How do I borrow Library items on the self-checkout machine?


Ther is a Self-check machine located in front of the Library Help Desk. If you are unsure where the machine is located, please ask the library staff to assist.

How to use the self-check machine:


1. Touch the screen

2. Select option - "View Account" - "View Reserved Items"- "Borrow Items" - "Add Printing Credit"

2. If borrowing, place your library card (barcode up) under the scan line (red light). There will be a beep.

3. Place the Library resource on scan bed to check out. Push the spine flush up against the furthest away wall and slowly move the book until the scan line reads the barcode.

4. There will be an audible beep when the loan is successfully, and there will be a message on the screen to confirm. You can also print a receipt. 

5. In the case of an error message, ask a Library staff member to assist.


  • Last Updated Sep 11, 2024
  • Views 17
  • Answered By Tim Suttie

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