What is copyright?
Whilst studying at William Angliss Institute, you will encounter and use a range of learning resources and materials which are protected by copyright.
These are likely to include:
- Images (including charts, graphs, pictures, photographs, clipart, maps, infographics, screenshots)
- Tables
- Readings
- Recipes
- Audio-visual (AV) materials
It is important to respect the rights of the copyright owner when using materials and to use them correctly in order to be compliant with Australian Copyright law.
Refer to the Introduction to Copyright page in the Library website for more details.
Also, you can contact the Copyright Officer: Sarah Kidd - e: Sarah.Kidd@angliss.edu.au
chat: http://library.angliss.edu.au I e: library@angliss.edu.au I t: +61 3 9606 2237 I visit: Ground Floor, Building C, 555 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000